5066 Coconut Blvd. | West Palm Beach
Phone (561) 514-1514
Pool Tek of the Palm Beaches

South Florida Pool Remodels

Pool Tek of the Palm Beaches takes pride in the quality and service we provide when remodeling your existing pool, spa or fountain. Whether you need resurfacing, new tile, new deck or any other repair, Pool Tek of the Palm Beaches can help give your old pool or deck the "Facelift" it so greatly deserves.

The following photos show a few transformations from "lackluster" to "bright and new".



“My family is SO pleased with our pool you completed for us this year. Actually the entire backyard has been transformed into an oasis for us.

I cannot state strongly enough how much we appreciate the work you and your crews did to make this transformation happen. From the very first meeting to discuss the initial 'wish' list and design, we were made to feel that our dreams were your dreams for us as well. Through every step of the process our comfort levels were always foremost in your minds. You and your crews always checked to see how we thought and felt about the design, process, progress, materials, and timing or the entire project. Even with the fact that 'mother nature' was not always on our side when it came to schedule, you and your crews still came through in completing right on the promised time-frames.

It was amazing the care that every crew that came to our home took special care to make sure they left only top-quality results. The materials are all top of the line. Even with the sub-contractors we hired to do complimentary projects, your crews made sure that the work was seamless.

To Frank and Lisa; thank you for making it seem so easy for us to add a pool to our backyard. I don't think we could have chosen anyone better to take care of us.

Even now almost two months from completion, I know we could call you with any issues and it would be addressed with the same concern as if it were your own issue.

I feel as if I am not stressing enough how pleased we are with our new pool! I can only say thank you so very much Pool Tek!“

Dan Caudill, Kevin Grodey and Josh Caudill

Pool Tek of the Palm Beaches, LLC
5066 Coconut Blvd. • West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Phone: (561) 514-1514 • Fax: (561) 514-1573

Website Design Copyright (c) 2011, L.E.T. Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
email: office@pooltekofpb.com
Licensed and Insured - CPC# 1457104

Monday March 31, 2025